Thursday, August 5, 2010

My haphazard thougts on Freedom fighters, British etc

Comments from Home:
I did have my own comments, which I was not able to post it in the main article. Following are a few:

• The kind of punishments and sufferings met out to our freedom fighters makes my blood boil. The jawlinwalabagh tragedy portrayed in “Gandhi Movie” or the death penalty shown in “Sirachalai” or “Madarasapattinam” makes my hatred for these 'cruel' British officers grow. Seeing the sacrifice of such freedom fighters should make us appreciate the importance of Freedom. I salute them.

• Majority of Indians were active during freedom struggle. And their only goal is to get freedom. They were active with extempore speech, jail punishment etc. But once freedom was granted, these ‘thiagigal or thondargal’ were jobless. They would not have known what to do. They were underemployed. Many sincere freedom fighters like VOC or Gandhi or Nethaji vanished from the scene without enjoying any material benefit. Similar has been the fate of people like "Nambi" in Madrasapattinam who worked for british. In this movie you would notice his face blank, walking alone post independence.
• Contrarily, the leaders (Thalaivargal) did take a political turn and became rulers and even today they enjoy the fruits of their freedom struggle. And there was yet other set of Indians who remained wealth through out – because they did not participate in the freedom struggle. They had enough capital (cash) to do business post independence. They may be the entrepreneurs and businessmen who got the early bird price in independence.

• Earlier India was ruled by many kings and small time chieftains. These guys were fighting with each other. But when british started capturing them one by one – there was a huge freedom struggle – on side by these kings and other side by common men. Ultimately freedom was given to India and the main reason was common men like Gandhi. India now became democratic. Sardar vallabai patel was given charge to convince these kings to give up their kingdom in exchange of some compensations. Had it not been for the british, India would still have been ruled by ‘kuru nila mannargal’. I feel British have done a good job in making us realize the value of unity and settle down democratically.

• I do come across many ‘samy’ names like Ramasamy, chinnasamy, duraisamy etc. For instance, the name Ramasamy means God Rama. May be chinnasamy could mean small samy. But this Duraisamy is rather critical : It means God Durai (vellaikara Durai). Many ‘Educated’ Indians were working under British in the cader of clerk, accountant or assistance. These are the British Loyals. Expressing their loyalty, they have equated the White Men (British) equal to god and named their wards as “Durai Samy”. This name Duraisamy is common amoung children born to Indians who were British Loyals during freedom struggle. Now the relevance of “Durai Samy” in today's world – I donot know.

• Many Hill stations – be it plantations of tea/coffee or recreational places like Kodaikanal was once lived by tribal people only. To beat the heat of summer, these british officials initially trekked and later built motorcade single roads. Had it not been them, it would have taken more time to build. Infact, in many coffee estates I have seen white men’s bunglow’s still lived by the current owners of these estates. They live like vellakara dorai

• In this movie Madrasapattinam, when we look at the Central Train station in Chennai, it is such a massive building on the banks of coovam ‘river’. They have built this station in 20th century with capacity to handing the population of 21st century. Such has been the vision of these planners and engineers. But today, before the project could be executed and commissioned it gets outdated – such shortsighted have been today’s planners.

Though Britishers have plundered india (Just like terrorists), they have unfolded new chapters like democracy, abolishment of royals, creating new natural resources. In fact, when they had to leave india there is no doubt they would have left with heavy heart. All the estates, all the bridges, all the roads, all the ports, all their efforts have gone in vein. They could not last to enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. I dont know whether iam right in saying this:

    Have we got independence slightly earlier....
    Our chance of becoming a hongkong deprived.

    Our politicians have done enough damange.Not to blame them alone...we have our part in that too ..We take money cast votes..

    But India is a very strong..developing country which no one can ignore.

    may our country grow big in making the whole of earth a better place to survive & live
