Thursday, March 24, 2011

Let's Learn from Jap's :

The reaction of Japanese people in the wake of recent natural calamity of earthquack+Tsunami is amaxing. There are many lessons to learn. Here are a few:

1. Within the first hour Japanese authorities had assessed the
scale of the problem and had announced that they will accept
international assistance.
2. In the 2nd hour the Japanese PM held a press conference stating
that a special task force has been set up and he was in charge of it.
Gives great confidence to the people.
3. There was constant and clear communication from the people in
charge be it the PM, cabinet secretary, met department, police, atomic
department ... etc. In India all communication shuts when they are needed the most.
4. Be prepared. Japan know that it is prone to earthquakes, so it does its utmost to have make people aware, drills, adherence to
building codes etc. They have Created stock shelters.
5. Co-ordination with and assistance provided to foreign search and rescue crews from the time they landed.
6. Civil defense swings into action: Shelters were opened up. Emergency packs of rations, blankets, kits etc. were handed out. Civil defense volunteers guided people in shelters, co-ordinated and kept records.

What the world citizens need to learn from the people of Japan.

Building evacuations, hard hats, gathering in open places,
queuing up at public pay phones to connect with their loved ones. At
the shelters they would throw the packing material into dustbins.
Imagine they even thought of dustbins for packing material of the
kits. Compare that with the newly opened Wankhede cricket stadium in
Mumbai, there is not a dustbin in sight, litter everywhere.
2. Civic sense
In light of such devastation and personal tragedy people still
queued up to collect their emergency rations, blankets, fill up at
petrol pumps, buy essentials at supermarkets or get their water
In India, Pakistan, Indonesia or any developing country we
would have seen mad scramble to be the first and get the most.
In US there would have been widespread looting and anarchy.
3. Civility
In spite of tragic losses and unaccounted loved ones people
still thank those that assist them, bow with respect, no shouting,
screaming or mass hysteria in front of TV cameras. Not a word against
the government.

The calmness of the people in the shelters is amazing. Are
they resigned to their fate of losing loved ones or whatever they own,
shock, restrained emotions?

May we the people of world learn from the people of Japan.
In a way government and citizen's response feeds on each other.
Japan's culture of obedience, respect for elders and affinity to
detail enabled the government to build systems for such situations.
The Government respects its citizens and provides for them and in turn
earn the respect from the citizens.

TV reporting
1. NHK World stuck to factual reporting. I believe this is the
best reporting style that should be adopted during a crisis.
2. CNN, BBC - with round the clock coverage anchors ran out of
ideas so they had similar innane and stupid questions like the ones we
see in a plethora of India's news channels. Guess anchors &
journalists are the same world over.
3. English news channels in India can't get away from their
sensationalism style. They need to learn to modulate. Constant high
decibel blaring ( the likes of Manoj Tiwari or Arnab ) is irritating and counter productive.

10 things to learn frm japan-

1. THE CALM : Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow itself has been elevated.

2. THE DIGNITY : Disciplined queues for water and groceries. Not a rough word or a crude gesture.

3. THE ABILITY : The incredible architects, for instance. Buildings swayed but didn't fall.

4. THE GRACE : People bought only what they needed for the present, so everybody could get something.

5. THE ORDER : No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the roads. Just understanding.

6. THE SACRIFICE : Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors. How will they ever be repaid?

7. THE TENDERNESS : Restaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The strong cared for the weak.

8. THE TRAINING : The old and the children, everyone knew exactly what to do. And they did just that.

9. THE MEDIA : They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No silly reporters. Only calm reportage.

10. THE CONSCIENCE : When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves and left quietly

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