Saturday, February 2, 2013

Top 10 Brand Building ideas: by Kiruba Shankar of

In Rotary conference I happen to listen to Mr.Kiruba Shankar of He talked on Top 10 Brand Building ideas. His presentaiton (power point) had just 10 slides - crystal clear slides:

  1. Pick a Niche: ... and own the space : In the first place, you need to know what you are passionate about and make it your niche. In many an occasion, we are good in ourself, but do not tell the world. After specializing in our field (niche), we need to talk a lot and let the world know where you are. For instance, : This company doesnot talk about food, and not about cake - but about cupcakes - only about cup cakes. This website has been rated to be one of the finest websites.
  2. Write Consitently: You need to communicate what is in your mind - in lucid language. To build a succesful brand, you need to be a producer and not a consumer.
  3. Podcasting : Videos are ultra important.
  4. Repurpose: Customize for different medium : for instance Dominos pizza (Jub Foods) has got 3 million facebook followers. They can advertise to these 3 million fans (30 lakh fans) at no extra cost.
  5. Be Opinionated : That is what attract people to you. People want your opinion - your views. Hence be original and have your opinion on various subjects.
  6. Encourage Copying: That is how your idea spreads. The more you share your thoughts, the more you become succesful. This is knownd as creative common sense. The more you share, the more you benefit. No doubt about it.
  7. Piggy Bank on a bigger company. You need to ride on image of a bigger company to build your brand.
  8. Own a website : with a good domine name.
  9. Custome Email id: like Don't use gmail and yahoo. You lose your identity.
  10. Ego Search: - google yourself. If you cannot find yourself, how can others find you.

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