Friday, March 22, 2013

Quotable Quotes

I forget what I was TAUGHT,
I only remember what I LEARNT.

Doing easily what others find it difficult is TALENT,
Doing what is impossible for talent is GENIUS.

The difference between Genius and Stupidity is that
Genius has its limits.

Originality is Nothing but
Judicious Imitation.

Conscience is a sacred sanctuary
where god alone may enter as judge.

A belief is not merely an Idea the mind possesses;
It is an idea that possesses the mind.

When spider webs unites,
they can tie up a Lion.

The winds and waves are
always on the side of
the Ablest Navigator.

You always pass failures on the way to success.

Life can only be understood backwards,
but it must be lived forward.

Zeal without knowledge is
fire without light.

'Hope' is pleasant acquaintance,
but unsafe friend.

Winning isn't everything.
But wanting to win should be the only thing.

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