Thursday, December 5, 2013

Actors who 'Played' Nelson Mandela react:

In the wake of Nelson Mandela's death, the actors who had played the beloved South African leader on the silver screen reacted to the news with sorrow.

Idris Elba, who Mandela in the film "Mandela: The Long Walk to Freedom," spoke out about the passing of the iconic anti-anpartheid activist.

"I am stunned at this very moment, in mourning with the rest of the world and Madiba's family," Elba told The News.  "We have lost one of the greatest human beings to have walked this earth, I only feel honored to be associated with him. He is in a better place now.”

"What an honor it was to step into the shoes of Nelson Mandela," the actor continued, "and portray a man who defied odds, broke down barriers, and championed human rights before the eyes of the world. My thoughts and prayers are with his family."

"Today the world lost one of the true giants of the past century," Freeman told The News. "Nelson Mandela was a man of incomparable honor, unconquerable strength, and unyielding resolve — a saint to many, a hero to all who treasure liberty, freedom and the dignity of humankind.

"As we remember his triumphs, let us, in his memory, not just reflect on how far we've come, but on how far we have to go. Madiba may no longer be with us, but his journey continues on with me and with all of us."

Mandela, 95, had been in poor health since June. South African President Jacob Zuma, announcing the news, noted that "he passed on peacefully in the comfort of his family."

Freeman also penned an essay for Time on playing the world leader.

"Calling Mandela a hero falls woefully short in adequately portraying the man who fought apartheid, was sent to prison for 27 years, was freed from the living hell of unjust confinement, became South Africa's first democratically elected president, and changed the political landscape of his country," Freeman wrote.

Madiba, as his friends called him, and I became friends back in the 1990s when, during a press conference, he was asked who he would want to portray him in a film," the actor continued. "To my everlasting honor, he mentioned me, and thus began our 20-year relationship. I got to walk with him, talk with him, hold his hand and get to know one of the greatest men who ever lived.

"We have lost one of the true giants of the past century," Freeman added. "But in our loss is the realization that thanks to him, we have all gained something. For in bringing down the evil of apartheid, Mandela raised us up; his wisdom, patience, compassion and insistence on reconciliation make us aspire to be better people."

"Madiba's journey may be over, but his legacy lives on in all of us," Freeman concluded.

Harvey Weinstein, whose company distributed "Mandela: The Long Walk to Freedom," also commented on the loss.

"I have had the privilege of spending time with President Mandela and I can say his sense of humor was as great as his optimism," he said to The News. "We are deeply saddened by his loss; our hearts go out to his family and the entire South African nation."

Dennis Haysbert, who played Mandela in "Goodbye Bafana," also shared his grief.

"Portraying Nelson Mandela, in the film 'Goodbye Bafana' was a defining moment in my life and career," he told The News. "We as a society, have been blessed to live in a time that Nelson Mandela has lived, loved, and led. What he has done for his country, his countrymen and everyone on this planet may not be achieved again … ever. I will always honor him as a saint."

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