Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Did You Know :

Back in1600’s, instead of mercury thermometers were filled with Brandy.

Onion belongs to lily family. If kept in an open topped tank, it will eventually product lily flowers.

In 1913, Rabindranath Tagore became the first Asian to win the Nobel prize for Literature, for Gitanjali

The word Naviagation is derived from the Sanskrit word Navgatih. The word navy is also derived from Sanskrit word Nou.

Marie Curie was the 1st women to win Nobel price (1903) and also the first to win two nobels (Phisica – 1903) and Chemistry (1911).

In 1787, Austria became the first country to abolish capital punishment.

All wax-figures at the Madame Tussads wax museum have their hair washed and make up retouched regularly.

The moto of Olympics is “Citius Altius Fortius” – which means Faster, Higher and Stronger

Mageirocophobia is the disease in which an individual suffers from intense fear of cooking.

Peladophobia is the fear of bald people.

Thanatophobia is the fear of death.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.

Samhianophobia is the fear of Halloween.

The number 2520 can divided by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 without having a fractional leftover.

The first Indian to get a pilot licence was JRD TATA. The licence was issued on 10-Feb-1929.

India’s first woman IPS officer was Kiran Bedi.

Formed on 27-Apr-1918, the Madras Labour Unionwas the first organized trade union of India.

The BUTTERFLY was originally called FLUTTERBY.

Newzealand’s Tuatara lizard has three eyes : Twon in the centre of its head and one in the top of its head.

Dannebrog, the flag of Denmark, is the oldest national flag which is still in existence. It dates back to the 13th Centure.

Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow a film down, so that one could see his moves.

Kerala’s Raja Ravi Verma, was the first Indian Painter to acquire expertise in Oil Portrait Technology.

A One year old dog is physically as mature as a 15 Year old human being.

Algebra, Trignometry and calculus originated from India.

Quadratic equations were used by Sridharacharya in the 11th Century.

Ethelda Bleibtrey who began swimming as a therapy to combat her polio, went on to win three gold medals at the 1920 Olympics.

The worlds first university was established in Takshila (700BC), with more than 10,500 Students.

A butterfly has 12,000 eyes.

Originally, table cloth served the purpose of a towel. It was used to wipe ones fingers and hands after easing.

In humans, the nail of middle finger grows the fastest and the nail of our thumb grows the slowest.

Approximately 12% of people with sight, get black and white dreams. The remaining get coloured dreams.

It was in the 17th centure that ICE skating, as a sport, was popularized by the Dutch.

The eye colour of the kitten changes as it grows older.

Game of Snakes and Ladder was invented by the Indian Poet Gyandev. The snakes represent vices and ladders represent virtues.

Owl is the only bird that can see the blue colour.

The Bald Eagle is the national emblem of North America.

The US declatation of Independene was signed in 1776, in Philadelphia.

Arabia, which covers 3,250,000 square kilometers, is the largest peninsula in the world.

A Cat has 32 muscles in each ear and its hearing power is much more sensitive than humans and dogs.

On 12 Jan 1998, Nineteen European countries signed an agreement in Paris, banning human cloning.

In 1987, American Airlines Saved US$ 40,000 dollars by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first class.

The first nuclear reactor for power generation of 100 MW, was set up in Idaho, USA in 1951.

The first major international TV Broadcast was the lavish coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

Greenland, located in Arctic Ocean is the world’s largest Island. It has a total area of 21,66,086 Sq Km.

An average adult body contains 250 gms of salt.

A colony of bees consists of 20000-60000 honeybees and one queen bee.

The sewing machine was designed and manufactured in 1841, by Barthelemy Thimonnier of France.

India is named after the river Indus. The regions and valleys around this river was inhabited by early settlers.

The world’s first fingerpring bureau was set up in Kolkata, in June 1897.

The ancient Greeks had coins smaller than an apple seed and they often carried the coins in their mouth.

On 29 Jan 1920, Walt Disney started his first job as an artist. He worked for US$ 40 a week with Kansas City Slide Company.

A Crocodile cannot move its tongue and so it cannot chew. Its digestive juice is so strong that it can digest a steel nail.

Feet contains one quarter of the bones of human body.

An elephant can live for as long as eighty years.

During its life time, a cow gives nearly 2,00,000 glasses of milk.

The world’s largest school is in Lucknow. It has 30,000 students.

The largest cat in the world is Siberian tiger, which weights 300 kg and can eat 27.2 kg of meat in one meal.

The first human heart transplant was done by Christian Barnard, in December 1967.

A tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion will make it go mad instantly and sting itself to death.

Bicycle was first manufactures in 1817, in Paris by Baron Karl Von Drais. It was known as a Hobby Horse or Swift-Walker.

The world Hippopotamus comes from Greek word for River Horse.

Kangaroo is the only four legger mammal that cannot walk backwards.

In 1755, Samuel Johnson wrote the first English Dictionary.

The first underground passenger railway, the Metropolitan Railway, was opened in London in 1863.

Indian Lotus seed has an extensive germination life. It can grow even after 300 to 400 years of being dormant.

Napoleon and Julius Caesar both suffered from Ailurophobia – Fear of Cats.

In 1869, Austria became the first country to use post cards.

The game of Chess was invented in India.

As per Forbes magazine, Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software.

The name Banana is derived from Arabic word BANAN which means finger.

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