Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Daily Life Quotes

"Life is the art of drawing without an eraser."


"An educated man of yesterday who stops learning today becomes uneducated tomorrow !"


"A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle."


What do u gain by meditation ?
Best Answer given by
Swami Vivekanand:
"I gain nothing
In fact I Lost
Anger, Depression,  Jealousy, Irritation & Insecurity."


"Don't let the fear of loosing be greater than the excitement of winning." -Robert Kiyosaki


"Welcome Crisis!!! A Crisis is boon in disguise, It makes you strong from within....and prepares you for next bull run in your life!!"


" Watch your habits; some of them are toxic to your family, income, health, friends and most importantly - YOU"

"Don't let the fear of loosing be greater than the excitement of winning". -Robert Kiyosaki


"You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it. You need to start with a new and fresh mind."
      -Albert Einstein


The greatest gift that you can give to another is knowledge, for knowledge is power—power to build and to dream. What you can envision in your mind you can achieve. -- Jack Podojil


Being kind is more important than being right,
People need a caring heart to listen than
a brilliant mind to speak.
If you feel that you do not have Time,
ask a question to yourself,
"Is it my success,
or inefficiency ? Mostly it is your inefficiency.

In relationship : the only way to trust is not to ask too many questions
-          Alain de Botton


A true relationship is someone who accepts the PAST, supports your PRESENT and encourages your FUTURE.


Immature people always want to win arguments even at the cost of a relationship. Mature ones prefer losing an argument just to uphold a golden relationship.


A relationship is not based on the length of time you spent together : it is based on the foundation you build together.


"LIFE is very similar to a Boxing RING..
DEFEAT is not declared
When you fall DOWN..
It's declared when You REFUSE to Get Up..!!"


"We never get what we want,
We never want what we get,
We never have what we like,
We never like what we have.
And still we live & love.
That's life."


"If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present."
~Lao Tzu~


"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything challenging ?"                   --Vincent Van Gogh


"An open mind leaves a chance for someone to drop a worthwhile thought in it."


"We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents, or the country of birth. We do not choose to die; nor do we choose the time and conditions of our death. But within this realm of choicelessness, we do choose HOW WE LIVE." Let's live every moment.
          ---Joseph Epstein


"A Stone is broken by the last stroke of Hammer. This doesn't mean that the 1st Stroke is useless. Success is the result of continuous and persistent effort!"


"Hatred is a self-addressed envelope."


"Thinking That We Are Perfect
Others Need to Be Corrected
is Just Like
Cleaning The Mirror,
Instead Of
Cleaning Our Face.:


“The Key to Happiness Is Learning to Let Go.”
~ Hugh Prather


"There are two kinds of people in the world:  Givers and Takers.
The takers may eat better,
but the giver sleep better" - Mother Teresa.


"If people
criticize you,
hurt U,
shout at U,
Don't bother..
Just remember..


"When you make a commitment, you create hope
When you keep a commitment you create trust."


"Happiness has a strange mathematics,
The more you divide it, the more it multiplies."


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